Monday, April 18, 2011

Nando's Inspired Lunch


Harini hari yang biasa tapi aku luar biasakan sedikit supaya lebih menggembirakan. huwe huwe. Mula-mula aku bangun lambatlah  awal supaya boleh buat assignment sedikit lalu teringat "oh ada follow-up dengan Dr.Sue Knott pada pukul 1.45 petang." Maka aku bertolaklah dari rumah pada pukul 1.43 petang. Jarak dari rumah ke medical centre adalah 10minit kalau berlari, dan 15minit kalau berlenggang kangkung. Kenapa gerak lambat? Hurm saja nak kelainan bhahaha. 
Berjumpa doktor haruslah memakai bunga.

Selesai follow-up, aku bergerak ke kafeteria untuk microwave Encik Ben sebentar. 
Yep, this is Encik Ben, my lunch. 

Namun disebabkan kecintaan aku kepada Nando's di Australia adalah tinggi, aku belilah Encik Ben ni. Lalu kemudiannya aku mendapat idea untuk meng'rock'kan Encik Ben aku supaya lebih sedap dan berlemak miahaha. 
Yea I reach Portugasm everytime I went there bhaha

And this is my favourite, Chicken Paella! 

And so I was inspired by this bad bad boy.. 

Step pertama, singgah ke Oporto. Yang terkenal dengan ayam marinade dan burger Bondinya yang lazat. Lalu pergi ke kaunter dan order quarter chicken yang bernilai 4.98AUD ala carte beserta sos Chilli.

This is the chicken (I've added the rice)

And my favourite sauce!

Licinnn~ haha

So what you have to do is, pour the sauce on the rice and mix well. There you have it! An inspired-and-so-good Chicken Paella! And it only cost me around 7AUD instead of 15AUD for the Chicken Paella at Nando's but the latter is much better lah kan! And the rice I used to make this one is Mexican fried rice while Nando's is Portugese. (Well to be honest I don't really know the difference, I need to study Geography more) But since Halal Nando's is 15minutes away from Macquarie Centre, I have to think of another way to fulfill my craving towards Nando's food and this is how I do it!  

Then I went to Boost to grab a smoothie.
Very big I must say. And recyclable. Bagus kan? 
My Berry'd in Chocolate smoothie. A mixture of cocoa powder, dark chocolate flakes, strawberry, sorbet and ice. Quite okaylah. 
And got this sparkling card. After 10 times beli from Boost then I can get one for free. Coolness.

And finally Farhad came, and we went to the cinema, browsing and decided to watch SCREAM4. Well, it was quite good, considering that I was really horrified till the end but Farhad said the show was boooringgg. -_____-' Will rate the movie 3.5 from 5 stars. Cliché but still enjoyable. Dan suka hari ini sebab berjaya meluar biasakan dari biasa kalau tak, bangun,makan dan tidur. mehehe :D 

Menyampah rasa nak lempang tengok muka ni

p/s: Farhad kata cerita Scream4 ni adalah cerita komedi, and so I totally believe in him, rupanya mak datuk cerita horror. Rupanya dia confused dengan cerita Scary Movie. Ada kau rasa nak cubit pipi dia sampai menggelebeh tak? -______-'



  1. serius fikir cam farhad gak. ingatkan cerita kelakar hantu bangang2 camtu hahaha

  2. tu la pasal.farah pun dah fikir camtu gak mula2 sebab muka scream ni bodoh jer. tapi lepas dah tengok rasa trauma tengok muka ni *sambil jentik2 gambar scream* -___- hahaha~

  3. yeap!! definitely..ingatkan scream 4 tu crita lawak...di tambah dgn watak hantu muka pakai mask konon lawak ingt lawak la...rupanya cerita ni ORANG CAKAP seram gila..see 'orang cakap' means i didn't watch it..just read the review..LOL!
